Rosann Berry

In 2022 I retired from being a magazine Art Director and am now back to painting. Rediscovering the joy and happiness of creating with color, energy and light. I am fortunate to have a space to work in and pleased to have joined the Adirondack Arts Association.
My recent work focuses on beauty and embracing the life around me. I’m especially drawn to trees and the light that filters down through them during all seasons of the year. I admire the way the tree branches create drawings within drawings—they are my teachers.
And WATER, especially Lake Champlain, Long Island Sound, in all its movements, from the juxtaposition of calm light of reflecting sparkles to ominous storm warnings.
My influences are Matisse, Stanley Whitney, Lois Dodd, Daisy Craddock and Stephen Westfall.
To be here in this space in a town I have loved since childhood is refreshing and helps me through the year to keep exploring and growing. I appreciate all people who love to create their art and enjoy the art of others and all the people who come to see it.